Turmeric Smoothie with Activated Almond Milk

Turmeric Smoothie with Activated Almond Milk

1 cup of activated almond milk 

1/2 banana

1 tsp honey

juice of 1/2 lemon

2 tsp ground turmeric

4-5 ice cubes

Blend all turmeric smoothie ingredients together. Pour into a your Fressko flask.
Tip: if you have bee pollen available to you, it’s perfect for adding to this smoothie.


Activated Almond Milk

1 cup of raw almonds

4 cups water

Pinch of salt

1 Tbsp maple syrup

Place the raw almonds in a bowl and cover with water. Leave for 6 hours+ (Ideally overnight) then drain and rinse.

Add the almonds to a blender with all other ingredients. Blend on high for 2 minutes until smooth.

Use a nut-milk bag or cheesecloth (if you don’t have these you could use a clean cotton tea towel) to strain the almonds into a bowl. Then pour the almond milk into an airtight container. Store refrigerated for up to 3 days. 

Tip: keep ground almond for future smoothies, frozen in balls.